Visionary Leadership

 Is an entirely new and unique kind of leadership. It provides a creative and energising way to enable you to access your personal and collective potential to maximise contribution in community, business and Life.

Visionary leaders

  • Inspire and empower others to step more fully into their own passionate, creative leadership
  • Know how to stir new potential into play in abundant, leaderful, co-creative ways.

Who is it for?

  • Anyone who is willing and has a knowing already that there is more for them and the world, beyond what they have experienced so far.

What can you expect?

  • Be more creative and alive,
  • Enjoy your work more,
  • Be more productive,
  • Be a new kind of leader who inspires leaderfulness in others
  • Enable your unique contribution to be gifted to the world
  • Live a fulfilled life, true to yourself, while living your potential.

How will you achieve that?

By surrendering into the Power of Greatness coming through you and the work that that needs you to do.


Event Summary:

The following is an outline of the initial two day event (which can be extended to three days to enhance the sustainability of the process):

Day One ~ Discovering the Visionary You

Introduction to Visionary Leadership

What is visionary leadership?
How is this different from other kinds of leadership?

Opening up to creation

The move from head to vibrant whole being
The vibrant inner core

Discovering the true you

Aligning with who you really are
Creating you
Genuine integrity and authenticity
From vulnerable to vibrant open
Beyond empathy
Seeing who people really are
The world of energy

Accessing potential and vision

Connecting with potential
Accessing vision
Distinguishing between goals, projects and true visions
Debunking the culture of leadership today
You as visionary leader

Day Two ~ Orienting from Problem to Potential

Seeing the world from a place of vision & possibility

Orienting from problem to potential

Everything has bigger potential and a greater purpose
Emotion as potential rising
Looking bigger and beyond personal
Beyond crisis management ~ a stimulus for creation
Creating the space for potential to show up

Accessing greater perspective to liberate potential

Liberating perspective
Breaking through

Levels of potential

Personal (for self)
Greater (for others)
World-changing (for the world)
Evolutionary (for Life)
At which level do you operate?
How to move through the levels of potential

Discovering yourself as vision-holder and visionary

Unleashing the visionary you
Being a visionary (free thinking, knowing & multi-streaming visions)
Connective presence vs personal presence
Visionary living, working and playing


If you are interested in attending a 2 hour Introduction to this 2 day Visionary Leadership training, please register at Upcoming Events


As a follow on to Visionary Leadership, there are two new programs.


* Advanced Course #1 ~ Transformative Working

Transformative coaching skills … learning to work transformatively in the moment connected to potentiality & creation


+ Advanced Course #2 ~ Sourcing a Dynamic Business

  • Visionary creation, presence and power
  • Creating the field, the space, the energy and the consciousness of vision
  • You, your work and your company as vision and presence in the world
  • Working with organisational consciousness
Robyn Searle